February 1, 2015 - February 01, 2015
Manhasset 2muchstuff4me
1649 Northern Blvd Sunday 2/1 8-4pm it all goes on this upscale Bridal shop over 400 wedding dresses, brides maids dresses, trains furs and accessories, plus 2 French desks, all fixtures many large gilded mirrors, display cabinets and units antique rugs and furniture, several chandlers, racks where stripping the place get a great deal on everything.
Manhasset 2muchstuff4me
1649 Northern Blvd Sunday 2/1 8-4pm it all goes on this upscale Bridle shop over 400 wedding dresses, brides maids dresses, trains furs and accessories, plus 2 French desks, all fixtures many large gilded mirrors, display cabinets and units antique rugs and furniture, several chandlers, racks where stripping the place get a great deal on everything.